So the ISA ball was pretty small but it was good cos we had good company. Great time where all the Glenn and Chisholm ppl got to meet up and party it up too!
Let's start with our table..
Canadians- Logan, Alex, Shirley. HK: Kenneth. SG: Me, Min, Amanda. China: Kerry!
Photo of us girls from ex-glenn yay!
For the purpose of showing you my outfit, here's a photo (which I also love) of me and fellow Tan, Rachel :P It was my FB profile pic for quite some time hee.
And these are my accessories.. lilac/pink all the way!! :D Made those earrings myself.. but ring is bought from Diva.
Speaking of rings, kenneth managed to make this rose ring out of our napkins! SO PRETTY!
Ever pretty ring maker should get some credit. this is kenneth! haha
My 2 favourite girls here.. i like this photo of them! :D Manda and Kerry~
And one photo each with them below!
And hello alex, u made it to special ppl with special photo feature aha :P
(i doubt he reads this tho..)
Alrighty, enough about the ball, I was gonna write about ... Michelle Branch!! I can't believe how this all randomly played out, but Alex above has friends who are apparently all Michelle fans too. and well, I myself loovee her! So i started googling her recent work cos she has disappeared quite a while! I know from some time back that she was in a 2-pc band called "The wreckers" but they were SO low-profile that I had no idea what was going on there..
Soo.. as i was wiki-ing her. It seems, she is gonna release an album (possibly) next year, 2011! I'm excited for it and I hope it'll come through.. I've her "spirit room" and "hotel paper" album. both which i think are brilliant. Anyone knows where I can grab hold of her indie album "broken bracelet"?
But anyways, this is all really exciting, cos she's gone back to being a solo artiste, and I'd say that is when she's in her best element! We still have to wait for her work to be slowly released but in the meanwhile, i discovered this:
If you can't watch it, it's a collaboration between Michelle Branch and Timbaland. (view: I guess many people might feel that Timbaland's beats just distract from her talent, but I kinda like the mix! AFter all, her music has always been a bit quirky.. and her melodies are always special (I don't know if i make sense if i say her songs are very "minor" and not "major" so it's all unpredictable!) So I don't think she could really go wrong.. besides, i'm pretty sure she wrote the lyrics for this song.. it was just produced by timbaland.. she was always a strong lyricist in my opinion!
I reckon this can totally tide me through till the next song I hear of Michelle's! :D
Btw, even though I consider my kinda music hip hop and r&b, i didn't really know much about timbaland. I do notice however, from his video "if we ever meet again" with Katy Perry, that he has a lot of quirky expression and is a screen-hogger. I suppose I see why some people would find that extremely annoying.. I would've! Except, i think he's kinda cute.. omg. WHY?!! am i crazy or do u agree... (oh no i can't handle the truth! lol)