Wednesday, June 17, 2009

rant about melbourne.

Quite often recently, I can be heard saying (surprisingly, explained later) that I made the right choice in coming to Melbourne to study. Well, technically it wasn't a statement that was made specifically pertaining to Melb, more like.. being overseas.

Before coming over (earlier this year), I've always been very very much a homebody. (read: likes to stay at home all day. would rather hermit at home than travel the world altho that'd be nice) Didn't really cross my mind that perhaps I'll be out of Singapore for years at length just to obtain my degree, the thought of it scared me even. Being away, alone, or with people who potentially do NOT like you.. for any reasons; valid or not. I knew too, that I'd miss friends and family, especially my grandma. (thought of her being lonely at home.. seems even worse than me being alone)

So anyways, having been here for a while now. I find it refreshing, the freedom, independence, responsibilities. Oh, and the new culture, meeting new people, being exposed to new things.. and I VERY much enjoy the slower pace here. Sure it gets a little wayyy tooo slowww here, but I'm not complaining cos to me, slower is better than too fast. That's just personal tho. Basically, I think i'm growing up here.. and hey, i'm making friends with all these people i could imagine I'd NEVER have otherwise known.

Yea well, all that aside. I still miss home: the efficiency, night life, food, security. The handling of H1N1 here hasn't been exactly.. effective? in fact, the news headlines are *surprise surprise* NOT H1N1 updates at all. It was at first, and then it was all quiet. I have to hear what's happening in Melb from Singapore. that's just quite ridiculous. And there hasn't been much precautionary measures/warnings given here.. Basically, I don't think they handle many epidemics, and more importantly seeing as this is not fatal, they couldn't care less. Nobody instills that one should protect ourselves/ our community from spread. So everyon'es like "oh bother!"

As a result, Singapore's now much much affected by H1N1 from Melb visitors.. but to be fair, is now spreading from internally. RArgh. In any case, I have to self-quarantine when I get back!! There goes precious 5 days or so! Didn't have many days to start with... oh great! >.<

Wellll. rant's over. more day to day stuff to come!

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