Friday, August 27, 2010

back. n oh what a surprise!

wow folks. i know my last post has been really emo.. and i'm glad to say that's all finally over. :D i feel like i've just straightened out some thoughts and am really enjoying my life now. (: For those of you who already know me and have my facebook contact, you should be able to see my albums titled "singapore trip 2010" parts 1,2 and 3. it's mostly a photolog of almost everything i did in SG. it has been a really fruitful trip back this time.. felt like i achieved so much during my 5 weeks. :D Met my friends several times, who make me realise home is awesome! and their friendship is more precious than i had imagined. been to the new Marina Bay Sands, taken my basic theory test for driving and pulled out 2 wisdom teeth. phew~ busy busy.

I remember the sad state I left my blog in, hence i've not really revisited for a while. Today though, i found that i had 5 comments on my last post encouraging me.. and they were all strangers (: and some who empathise with me too. part of the reason i blog has been to get to know more people out there who may be like-minded or just enjoy what i read/post. So that was truly awesome.. thanks everyone! Because of this, i've decided to persevere with my blogging. And hopefully i can keep it alive amidst all this work i've been getting at uni this semester.

Anyway, so i've been thinking how to liven up this blog since the last i blogged. First of all, a tiny review of my extraction process.

I extracted my wisdom teeth at National Dental Centre (singapore) under the clever hands of Dr. Rahul, if anyone is at all interested. So initially, I was meant to take out all 4 of my teeth under general anaesthesia.  Truth be told, I was not as afraid of the pain or the extraction of my teeth/drilling/cutting into my gums or bones... I am, for some reason, mortally afraid of being put to sleep! I've NO past experience of sedation or GA, and i was scared as hell! Anyone with me on this??

Anyway, it turns out since i've been having quite a chronic cough.. they wouldn't allow me to undergo GA. My surgeon then came to talk to me about possibly doing it under local anaesthesia. Hey, if i knew that was an option, i'd have wanted that right away! I know many believe that they'd rather not be awake for such a scary experience. But trust me, i much prefer to be aware of what's going on! So yea, decided to take out 2 instead, under LA.

The most painful part would have to be the injections... 2 is required for each tooth extracted. one for cheek, and one for tongue. But both needles will be injected into gums and palate, not actual cheek n tongue! The palate one is really quite stinging, just to warn you.. but bear with it for a few moments.. cos the lack of sensation after will simply amaze you! (at least it amazed me, i guess im not really your average Jane). Funny story: I started shaking quite a bit after the LA, and the assistants got quite concerned. I had no idea I was feeling cold until the shaking stopped when they offered me a hot water bottle to hold. AWWW~ so lucky for me, it went on as per normal. Also lucky for me, my teeth were pretty much fuss- free extractions. Although they were both classified as surgery as cutting and some drilling were required.

So, if your teeth pretty much grow out straight.. and you have a skilled surgeon like mine, expect mild drilling (no feeling at all!!) and then a huge pressure (it feels more like he's pushing down really hard on your teeth, or the tooth ur extracting actually..) and before you know it, it'll be out. So don't worry about feeling it being yanked out. It really feels like pushing for some reason. And you literally won't KNOW it's out till you're told.
My advice is for everyone not to panic... if u do this calmly, it'll be much less scary and wayyy faster too. Plus a fast procedure = better recovery. It'll be good if u keep remembering to keep your mouth open wide. Makes things way easier!

Had a debrief by assistant after about care and allergies. Given gauze to bite on.. another tip... change your gauze every half hour for the next ... 2 hours? then stop.  no point biting for the entire day.. even if there's still blood. There WILL BE BLOOD. might be less painful and better if u stop biting on the gauze.. also, swallow all your saliva even when u have the gauze in, this will stop the bleeding faster. a wet gauze will attract more bleeding to occur.. basically, try as best to ignore the gauze altogether.

I had my painkillers on the way home, I was afraid the pain will kick in soon. Recommended time was about 1 -2 h from ur operation? that's when LA might start wearing off.. after dinner, i realised i was allergic to the painkillers! T_T (given a mouthwash and antibiotics too.. but GP said it's the painkillers) so i depended on panadol alone. However, i did realise I wasn't really experiencing any pain either... so i stopped all pain medication on 2nd day.. and i was fine! yay! the swelling doesn't start until 2nd/3rd day though... and it'll continue to be rather swollen for a week n be better. You might experience some bruising, very normal.

Start brushing your teeth as per normal by day 3 (i know it feels scary, but trust me it's fine :D) normal food also can be taken then :D

let me show you some photos... some really unglam ones ahead!!

my teeth! some people tell me they're quite big..

First night.. swollen left eye=> allergic reaction.
Right cheek (where i extracted) appears surprisingly SMALLER than the other.

Day 3/4 possibly 4.. day 3 it felt a bit stiff.
oh yes, please feel free to chew on both sides, cos lack of use will lead to joint stiffness!
Now you can see bruising (yellow-green) on right cheek and it's significantly bigger.

Day 5. took off some stitches. mild mild bruising. still a tad bit swollen.

Can't really remember exactly when the swelling completely subsided. Bruising will persist for maybe another week though. If you're a bit tanned like me or even darker skinned than me, then the bruising will be less obvious. I hear for fair-skinned people, it is pretty obvious. Most people didn't notice mine till i pointed it out (:

Oookay. this is about all i have for tonight. let's give you a sneak of how i looked at the Pod Ball I attended last friday. (almost exactly a week ago now!) Credits to lovely photographer Alex :P Also, I got my dress from got soooo much compliments for it. i love how it's so unique too! AND they've amazing customer service, go check them out! (sadly this dress is now sold out!)

I'll have a few more photos up the next entry to show you the other side of the dress (pretty strap). it's a bandage dress, but it has batwing on one side, and amazing detail strap on the other, yet looks like a toga! mm yummy! and it's my first time kinda having a "photoshoot" and so impromptu too! i could totally get used to it though! :P would pick a better background next time for sure :D


  1. Well, I read your blog and I find it very interesting. I look forward to reading more. You are a pretty girl.

  2. Great to see an update from you & to hear that you're doing so well!

    Nasty stuff about the wisdom teeth but sounds like your overall experience was okay. Mine are just starting to come through (well they started about 8 months ago, but slow progress!), hopefully they'll be able to stay where they are. I totally sympathise with the palate injections though - I had to have a tooth out before I got braces and that injection is so painful!!!

    I'd never considered GAs before but come to think of it you're right that does seem pretty scary, especially for such a localised procedure! I think I'd rather be awake too.

    You're right that you can't really notice the bruising, I definitely didn't spot it until I saw your comments. You're very beautiful, and your dress is lovely!

  3. I'm a photographer. so i have a tip for you when posing in elegant dresses :)
    Try looking down of an angle. It'll give you a demure look. Tilt your head slightly and voila. neck always long :)

  4. thanks doubler702 (: glad u like the blog n flattered by ur compliment! :D

    hey natasha! this is ur 2nd comment eh? thanks for following up on me, ur a sweetheart! yes, feeling way better. could've really been more than just the average mood swing :S yea my wisdoms experience was pretty alright.. i still have 2 to go tho! let's see how those will go. i don't wanna have too high expectations of it going just as smoothly.. hehe. i'm glad someone shares the same thoughts i have on GAs! haha. my mum was the same too i think.. but now she's sold apparently! cos she said it's the best sleep she gets. and thank you so much for ur compliments too! xox lovely meeting you!

    alexis marie: heyy! thanks for the professional advice! just happens i'm gonna attend another ball this weekend, i'll put ur advice to some good use! i hope i'm interpreting it right though.. (:
