Saturday, March 20, 2010


i was going to make this entry a really long one with happy pictures and all that. but it took an entire day to upload everything, and then just a second for my chrome to crash on me and now i gotta re-upload everything. which i gave up after it crashed a second time, barely uploaded 3 photos then. GAH.

not the best of moods once again. so sad. why can't i be more happy and chirpy. like some ppl.... they don't worry much. they do what they've to do and they're happy happy happy. no problems. they don't think abt what's not theirs to worry about. i envy that! how does one stop their brain from doing all these excessive thinking. sucks!!

anyway, i was just thinking... i was getting pretty content with the way things go.. and happy enough about myself. but last night it was like me caving in like some wall hit by an earthquake. i wish i was ignorant of some facts, maybe it wouldn't hurt me as much. haha. i would probably have brushed it off too. but now i can't, and it bugs me to no end.. i feel like a fool... he has called me naive, and not just once too. maybe i should've taken the hint. i really don't wanna be a fool, if i ever was one. i can't let myself go ahead and be stupid right?? so yea. altho i can defend him in my mind with a million things. i would rather not. don't wanna be so spineless. blah.

oh n it's not that i'm not happy with myself, but it's true that not every personality appeals to everyone anyway. oya she's SUCH a vince!! no kidding. just glowy all round. i'm like howard stuck in vince's body. so awkward. tsk. emokid.

i hope u'll feel it if and when i go. at least that counts for sth?

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