Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Farewell Laura! (+ super long post!!)

A poddie friend is going off to France to teach! She's flying off on Thursday and spending 4 days in Singapore before flying to Europe. She'll be back in a year to continue her studies. So Michael was being a dear and organised this surprise farewell for her! (: So off we went to the city last Saturday.. (Met up with Victor from shoppingnspree too to collect my new lenses. lol. I couldn't resist their August promo, so sue me!! Bought a new pair of brown lenses cos my honey wings seem to be annoying my eyes.. and I bought Angel blues too. hehe)

So we reached Melbourne Central earlier since I was meeting Victor. After that, we went to Harajuku crepes! YUMMYstuff! I heard Mandy and Min raving about it for so long, and now i've been there! Mandy had ham, cheese and mushroom crepe and min had curry chicken crepe. I took a sweet one: Strawberry Cheesecake Crepe!

Strawberry, Blueberry Jam, Cream, and a slice of cheesecake. All wrapped up. Yummo?
We tried to look for pants and shoes for our clinical observations.. to no avail! Seriously, Big W doesn't carry clothes in my size at all. First time I feel discriminated lol! And the shoes were not cheap, yet ugly, and poor quality ): Sooo. might just end up looking at Kmart or Target..
Then after at 7, we met up with Michael.. Majority of us arrived before Laura so that was good (: She was truly surprised! Heh. Met new ppl there, like Thuan from physio. Talked to Jason and his gf. Mitch and Joseph came again, altho we didn't really talk. Also Wendy and Kate (Laura's friends whom we met on separate occasions) Then we trotted to Oriental Spoon! My fav korean restaurant seriously!! haha. Michael had cake refrigerated there already. Sweet!

Michael, Laura, Kate!
The O sam bulgogi I had (Pork belly, beef?, squid "bbq" with tofu, veggies and kimchi sauce!) Shared with Thuan. (:
Min and Mandy shared this beef hotpot thing. Sweett soup. v nice!
Green tea in a very unique "goblet"
yummy cake! (Jason n Pat came for this I hear. lol!)
Then off to Lion Pub we went. The bunch had a couple of beer jugs. Didn't really drink. Decided I shld swear off beer for a bit.. beer belly NOOOO!  Haha.
A quaint little place.
Then we went to Match, which was pretty crowded.
The view from the outdoors area. Melbourne Central.
The state library.
The girls!
The La Trobies! :P
We were supposed to head off to a strip club after, but it was getting a little late. Just thinking abt the safety of going home, imposing on Wendy if she brought us home. And the entrance fees.. Hmm, nah i'm not that curious really! It's probably just u know. naked girls. Not like I get to see something extremely speciall..
Hyak. Im not sure if they did go to the strip club after all. I saw photos of tequila shots and cigar chewing tho! Oh yeaa. haha Laura's really going wild before France-ing eh? :P Have a good trip babe!
I think I mentioned the static problems we're having and how we get mini electric shocks with the door handles. I created these! And have ENDEARINGLY named them door condoms.lol!
Mandy's blue condom. I kid u not! it looks like one right?
Qimin's "slytherin" condom. Messy Yarn to work wth. Varying thickness and with silver threads.
My very own! :D
In other knitty stories, I learnt how to do cable pattern!! i learnt on youtube. WHEE~ I think I rock! I'm now doing a long strip, hoping to do a tote bag ;) yayness!
awesomee!! tell me ur impressed. lol.
Camwhore beware!
So, my fringe has been growing real long.. i've trimmed it once. but it's getting long yet again! and the rebonded area of my hair is slowly growing out quickly. so it's getting poofy and odd.
): (don't burst out laughing! esp u! gege.)
So now i've resorted to pinning my hair with my ribbon hairpin indoors haha.
So the hair's slowly going to a side parting route..
Yep, but I hope it's interchangeable. That's really the best case scenario :P
Ok! enough of me XP
Check out my new review of a Japanese apparel brand (: http://zitch-that.blogspot.com/


  1. shit, i really did laughed before i saw your sentence! awww, u know me best. haha! :) the last pic's nice anyway, put on FB main pic!! -ur gege

  2. yes i really know u well.. haha :P ok, i think i will! august is over anyway, my patriotic photo is starting to look way out of place. haha.
